The 5.11 Carrying Bag Cams 3.0 is the ultimate travel companion, whether in civil or official use and withstands the most extreme loads and conditions. The possibility of using the carrier bag as a trolley makes it possible to transport almost any equipment or clothing. The solid side walls, the exchangeable heavy-duty castors, the built-in slide rails, the edge protectors and the removable fiberglass rods make this bag an almost indestructible transport bag. The large pockets on the sides keep things tidy and protect your equipment from damage thanks to the molded design. On the top of the bag there are document pockets and ID card holders made of Vinyl, which simplify identification. For better compression, there are straps on the top and on the sides, which can be adjusted as required. As a highlight, the CAMS offers a separate bottom compartment with straps, which is protected with an impact-resistant base plate allowing medium-length weapons or other special equipment can be stowed.
- CAMS = Carry All My Stuff
- Three outer pockets with zippers, name tape and patch areas
- Subdivision into secure compartments for optimal organization
- Stable wheel housing
- Removable webbing with buckle for attaching additional 5.11 pockets
- Lockable YKK zippers
- Writable 5.11 WriteBar on the front
- Waterproof 1050D Nylon and 1680D ballistic Nylon
- Expandable with other 5.11 pockets possible
- Volume: 190 liters
- Material: 100% Nylon (1050 denier / ballistic Nylon 1680 denier)
- Dimensions: 101.6 x 52.0 x 41.2 cm (L x W x H)

Fishing bags for shallow lakes-5.11 Carrying Bag Cams 3.0