Ande Monofilament

Color Pink
Size #8- 1575yds #10-1350yds #12- 1000yds #12- 2000yds #15-750yds #20- 600yds #20-2400yds #30- 400yds #30- 800yds #30- 1600yds #40- 350yds #40- 700yds #40- 1400yds #50- 500yds #50-1000yds #60- 200yds #60- 400yds #60- 800yds #80- 300yds #80- 600yds #30- 600yds #10- 675yds

ANDE Premium monofilament is our standard production monofilament and is perfect for the vast majority of anglers. It is a medium-soft monofilament with excellent tensile and knot strength and it is very abrasion resistant. The Premium monofilament comes in three colors, clear, pink and green.